domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

A DNGO: Ayudemos a un niño.

There are my friend and my old 'support' baby, with my photo in her hands (my friend carry the suit I bouht to the girl, and you can see the book in the left)

My favorite DNGO is, obviously, the one I collaborate with. It’s named ‘Helping to children’ (Ayudemos a un niño) and it was created in Almería in September, 2001. My best friend works there, so I am completely sure that my money is saved with them. It is destined to the children’s welfare, especially children from Nicaragua, also Argentina. I am supporting a child called Mylias Guadalupe, who sends to me a Christmas card every year. However, the most amazing thing I have lived here was when my old ‘support’ baby was changed because her family has no needed money anymore. (The government gave them a new house because of an environmental disaster happened there some years ago). I know that the money which is donated here will be well used; not also because I have a photograph with my friend and my old pupil, with some presents I sent, but because my friend is the person in charge of the accounts there. The thing was that they changed my pupil before keeping quiet and contnue getting my money. 

The system they deal with is not only an education for children. Our support covers food, education and home, for the child we have and for the whole family, too. This was the situation that made me choosing this NGO. The funding is not only sponsored by us, but donations, grants and others, helping by public and private associations.

Nowadays, the projects they have developing are in Peru, Nicaragua (Chindandega, Leon, Managua and Matagalpa), where they protect violence against women, children abuse, Health and scholar support. Moreover, they are also working in Argentina, concretely in Salta, where there are taking care of 20 boys and girls. 

As I see, they are a lot of famous people who support this cause, as David Bisbal, Antonio Orozco, Juan Y Medio, Rosario Flores, Diana Navarro, Joaquín Sabina, Bustamante, Sergio Dalma, José MaríaManzanares, Malú, El Fandi, Pastora Soler, Mojinos Escocíos, in the way of making  short videos, giving gifts to sell an auction, or I think that this is an important place where help with your money and make sure there will have a very good destiny.

The proof that famous people collaborated with the NOG. 
In my opinion, when you want to collaborate with an association and you do not know which could you choose,  take one in which you trust. Definitely, this is one of them. 

Here you are some videos, just if you are curious. The first one is short and fun. Enjoy them!!!!

Gregoy Peck Interview

Nobody knows how a film can change us, can be made us better… Films are the production of the books. Sometimes are worse, but they may carry us out of our minds. Colours (not in this case), screens, landscapes, portraits… anything is useful to bring us to another world. I had the opportunity to see that film in my twenties, and I will see again. Meanwhile, here I will put a video form one of the biggest. Please, tell me you watched ‘The Snows of Kilimanjaro’, ‘The guns of Navarone’, ‘Days of Glory’ or the unforgettable ‘Roman Holiday’ or ‘The Scarlet and the Black’. Everyone of them, among others, are spectacular. It is worth to see them.

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014


Everyone has a different point of view even if all of us are watching the same film. Like a kaleidoscope, things have many ways to reveal, many ways to make us feel. Shadowlands is a superb production where you could extract a variety of lessons to think about. Directing by an extraordinary Richard Attenborough, with Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger on the top, without forgetting some of the goods like John Wood, the movie show us the relationship between a man and a woman, two different minds in the society of the 50’s in England.

As most of reviews note, the main theme is about how the relation of the main characters is developing. First, they meet each other because she admires him and his books. Then, they become friends. After that, there are a convenience marriage because of her nationality and the possibility of living there for her, Joy, and her son Douglas. At the end, she is diagnosed with a terminal cancer. She is subjected to a treatment. Jack is committed himself to caring about her and discover how much he loves her. Finally, she dies.

The paragraph above tells us the plot, but we can go farther. In my opinion, the real story speaks about the changes that Jack suffers during the film. At the beginning, he is a middle-age single man, with his own habits, with a particular idea of God among other things, who is used to win every fight, someone with a clear mind. When he meets Joy, he starts to change his behavior; it seems he runs after her. He is marveled at her manners, her way to see the world, but he does not know what is happening inside him, so he does the same things he use to do before her, even hiding their marriage. At the moment he knows she is going to die, he is not thinking about the others anymore, he recognizes his love and decides about living for the first time. Truly, I would say he is getting more handsome along the time is running, maybe because of the expression of his face. The final reflection with the new pupil is about love, something he has never had into account. The purpose to read is not to be alone, not to be alone is falling in love with someone.